INFPs are idealistic individuals. INFPs are highly idealistic and take great care in selecting a partner. Both INFJs and INFPs are idealistic and compassionate, but an INFJ is led by introverted intuition Ni while an INFP is led by introverted feeling Fi. They are curious people, often lost in conception. These individuals are more drawn to originality than convention, so case study solution dark side of being an individual with case study answer INFP character type: they’re so esoteric that no one relates, pretty self focused usual, and tend to make little or no of an effort in relationships. Careers Jan 19, 2017 For Sam, learning that I am an “INFP” has practically reassured him that my hundreds of thousands of ideas, unfinished tasks, and random bursts of energy are only part of who I am, and could likely never leave. 7 “Superior Cash Flow as a Result of Superior Customer Value”. Firms that are successful in as it should be picking case study solution resources of value should be in a position to deliver superior customer value. This may produce an instantaneous courting with their customers. These relationships produce a backward and forward flow of tips that ought to enable case study solution enterprise to additional enhance its capability to supply purchaser value. A successful relationship enhances case study solution opportunity of purchaser loyalty, optimistically constructing a strong enough relationship to supply a buyer for life. Customer loyalty may have several constructive results.