Yes, we all know its their site, but they sure dont write for it themselves do they?So, they need us. Like I discussed during this post, that you would be able to see Hubpages ads telling us to post on their site, so my guess is they still need writers dont they?Yet, as you said, they treat us like animals and its impossible to reson with them. You know case study answer saying:what goes around comes around. One day they may be regretting what theyre doing now. Hi Sylviane,Sorry this happened to you. I know you are an ethical person and do write common content all case study solution time. Emergency Dispatch: 1 866 386 9321 Ext 6171 Safety and Ethics Hotline: 1 866 479 2826Today, we all know how false it truly is. We now know that instead of finding ways to make the most new resources, people and agencies are looking to focus on finding sustainable ways to grow, while masking case study solution planet and case study answer components we’ve left. For every agency that spills tens of millions of gallons of oil into case study answer oceans, there are plenty more groups working under this new ethos. Here are a few standout green companies that deserve accolades:IKEAs invested in sustainability throughout its entire company operations, including things clients can quite simply see and things they cant. It starts with their supply chain, where case study answer Swedish furnishings maker has sourced close to 50 per cent of its wood from sustainable foresters and 100 per cent of its cotton from farms that meet case study answer Better Cotton standards, which mandate reduced user of water, energy and chemical fertilisers and pesticides. You can also see their commitment to sustainability at case study answer store.